That’s a magical number in many ways, especially when it comes to Valentine’s Day.
I’ve been blessed to be part of that equation because the other part that makes us TWO is Donna, my wife. We were married 42 years ago, not long after my father invented the humidifiers we sell today and created the Humistat Company.
Donna’s been my partner in life and every so often sticks her head into my office and says, “I have an idea.” The latest one was the introduction of a Gift Bag option that’s available year-round when you make a purchase on our site. Of course, we have RED ones. (We have BLUE ones, too.)

In her honor, I am announcing a VALENTINE’S DAY-PLUS sale. Because I’d like to show—at least symbolically–that love isn’t just a one-day-a-year thing, I am extending the sale through the end of month. From now until 11:59 pm on February 29, you can get FREE SHIPPING on any order of two or more humidifiers or two or more Combos sent to a U.S. address.
I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to show your favorite instrument-playing family members and friends that you not only care about them, but also about their music. (Give two as gifts, or keep one to protect your source of music.)
1 person + 1 instrument=a musical partnership.
Another equation worth honoring.
Use code “FEBFREESHIP” to get free shipping on your order.
With warmest best wishes,

David C. Berliner